My hubby and I went to a charity event this weekend. We got to dress up, drink champagne, go to this amazing
house villa in the north valley, and drool over the incredible cars at the car show there. We're talking seriously nice cars. As we were leaving, waiting in the valet line, the guy ahead of us having just pulled away in his porsche, we were laughing as our mini van was driven up. We dusted off the Cheerio crumbs from the seats, climbed in, and were on our way.
And today, as I saw this photo from my iphone (I love taking photos with my phone - it's so easy!), I realized that there will be a time in my life when I don't drive a mini van, when Cherrios aren't always part of our car's upholstery, when I won't live in a constant stream of laundry, have a playroom instead of a dining room, a floor that's rarely vacuumed, toys as our main decorative theme, and a house where we're bursting at the seams. But I don't long for those days. I wouldn't trade any of those things for a beautiful car, huge house, or valet parking right now. I'm so grateful for exactly where I am in my life. Although I could use the maid. ;)