...I use every day:
1. Coffee. Decaf usually, but I love flavored coffee with flavored creamer and sugar. Some might argue it isn't really coffee when I'm through with it, but I wouldn't have it any other way! ;)
2. My planner. When I worked, I always figured I wouldn't need a planner as a stay-at-home mom. You know, I would just wing it. No watch, throw schedules to the wind. Turns out I need it more now than when I was working. Doctor appointments, gymnastics, MOPS meetings...now I wonder why I needed it when I was working. What did I write? 7 AM-6 PM: WORK.
3. Diapers. No explanation necessary.
4. Shower gel. Or shampoo, or anything shower related. One, because I am not one of those people who can go without a shower. My college roommate actually had an easier time fixing her hair if she didn't wash it. If I skip a shower one day, it looks like I've been camping for a week. Two, because that's my time during the day to stand under warm water and let daddy take care of the kids.
5. My keys. What would I do if I lived in pioneer days? We drive just about every day. Even if it's just to the Starbucks drive through because my son can't pick on my daughter if he's strapped in his car seat.
6. My computer. Almost every day. Except Sundays (usually - I'm working on keeping that a priority).
7. Lotion. Not just lotion, but body butter. Maybe that's just a given when you live in the desert.
8. Chap Stick. Same reason as #5, although some people tell me that using chap stick makes you need it more. I'll never know, because I can't go a day without using it.
9. My toothbrush. My mom cursed us with bad teeth and then the habit of brushing them for an obnoxiously long time. I have to say that my new electric toothbrush is awesome, and my teeth feel incredibly clean. End of commercial.
10. Tea strainer (and tea cup). Sheesh, I sound like a caffeine addict. But this is one of my favorite evening rituals with my husband: we share a pot of tea after the kids go to bed. Mmmmm...off to do just that. Goodnight! ;)