#1 is finally getting over it aside from a cough that won't seem to go away. I can always tell he's feeling better when he starts picking on his sister again.
#2 seemed to be getting better, and then broke out with hives last night. We aren't aware of any food allergies, and when we looked it up discovered that kids can get hives when they're sick as an allergic reaction to the virus...who knew?
#3, the baby. We spent Sunday night in the ER because he was coughing so hard and seemed to be wheezing. The nurse on call recommended we head down, and we were there from 1:30 to 5:30 am. If you can help it, avoid the ER the night after the superbowl. Apparently that's their busiest night. Crazy, huh? He turned out to be ok (better safe than sorry), but the poor guy is miserable.
So we've been spending a lot of time at home. Which has its pros and cons. Yesterday our trash can arrived in the mail (not too exciting), but the box was very exciting:

Just cut out a window, add some leftover fabric, and you have an instant pirate ship, race car, and castle with a trap door. Until dad gets home and asks if it's a fort and the oldest tells him, "No, dad. It's just a box."
We're also getting some fun time to just cuddle on the couch and read. Have you seen this version of Puff the Magic Dragon? The illustrations are breathtaking! And it spins a twist on the ending: when Jackie Paper grows up, he introduces his daughter to Puff. This book tugs on my heart - not because I feel sorry for the dragon for losing his playmate (I know, heartless, aren't I?) but the idea of the little boy growing out of his imaginary friends and childhood toys. Crazy mommy hormones. ;)

1 comment:
you poor dear momma. hoping and praying those little munchies get better really soon!!
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