so not perfect and blown out like crazy, but I love it.
The oldest just finished his first year of preschool. Unbelievable. He's in a stage of making funny faces for the camera, loves anything CARS or Hotwheels, is counting down the days until Christmas (I don't think he realizes his birthday comes first on the calendar), still torments his sister, just fished for the first time and is learning to play chess (sort-of). I'm grateful for his strong will - he isn't one to follow the crowd.
Middle baby is getting ready to turn 2. She's independent, daring, sensitive, cuddly, and spunky. I love that she's so independent and think it will serve her well as a woman, even though now it means lots of laundry since she won't accept any help using a spoon. She loves her brothers, wants to keep up with the oldest and adores her uncle. She's the life of the party, and draws attention wherever she goes.
The youngest baby is obviously malnourished (kidding). He's a little chunk at 19 pounds now. He sometimes sleeps through the night (when my humidifier is on and I can't hear him), likes to be held and walked, and finds his older siblings fascinating.
We're ready for cold & flu season to be over - all three have another cold, and three seems really hard when they're all sick and we're stuck at home. It's the middle of May - are we done yet?!